A day not to be forgotten, a day to smile again all together.
We are pleased to announce that ASD Atletica Cento Torri, Africathletics Onlus, and the city of Belgioioso will organize the first Mario Pavan Memorial on Sunday 10 April 2022.
A day dedicated to sport and the values of athletics; values that have always been represented by our Mario. Race registrations will start at 8:15 am in Piazza Europa in Belgioioso. At 9:45, the seventh round of the Grand Prix Seniors will start, and the first 120 entries will be given a sports bag and an Africathletics pin (Be fast, don’t miss this opportunity). The registration for the non-competitive race will close at 10:00 a.m, and the start is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. But pay attention, it doesn’t end there! LAST SHOT, NEW LIFE. COME AND COMPETE! ONCE YOU CROSS THE FINISH LINE, YOU CAN DONATE YOUR SHOES TO AFRICATHLETICS TO SUPPORT CHILDREN IN MALAWI.
To grow up free, to play, and to smile. These are the ideals that led Mario to found Africathletics in 2015; his dream for the children living in Malawi. To honour him, the Mario Pavan Park will be inaugurated at the end of Sunday’s competitions. During the inauguration, there will also be a buffet with a free offer, whose income will be donated by ASD Centro Torri to Africathletics. We look forward to seeing you there, you cannot miss it.